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Distribuye tu música en todo el mundo sin límites.

Conéctate con millones de oyentes al distribuir tu música en plataformas como Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Instagram y TikTok. ¡No esperes más!

Bienvenidos a 7kingin

Lleva tu música en las principales plataformas de streaming.

Más de 150 tiendas globales, asegurando un alcance masivo y visibilidad.
Distribuyendo música para
sellos & productoras reconocidas
Welcome to the Flow

All‑in‑one theme to build a powerful & beautiful website.

We bring together innovative designers, pixel perfect developers and data driven strategists to create a boutique experience at enterprise scale.

Watch Now.
Welcome to the Flow

We build the brands that can’t be ignored!

We bring together innovative designers, pixel perfect developers and data driven strategists to create a boutique experience at enterprise scale.

  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency
  • Awesome! I love how easy it is to work on an art project with your team! The outcome is always amazing!
    Henry Smith
    Flow Agency

Full service.

We believe in the power of design and its ability to define and transform brands. Everything is Designed.

Full service.

We believe in the power of design and its ability to define and transform brands. Everything is Designed.

Full service.

We believe in the power of design and its ability to define and transform brands. Everything is Designed.

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desde el movil

Conoce nuestra aplicación de distribución musical, creada especialmente para artistas y creadores como tú. 🎵 

¿Por qué descargar nuestra app?
Con una plataforma intuitiva y herramientas avanzadas, ayudamos a artistas a llevar su música más lejos—rápido, seguro, y profesional.
Welcome to the Flow

We craft valuable experiences that push brands forward.

We create cutting-edge online experiences that elevate brands and generate conversions.

Make a beautiful website faster than ever before.